Ambitions & Accountability – How Are You Tackling 2024?

As the year comes to a close, one of my favorite traditions is to cozy up in a warm chair with a pen, paper, and cup of coffee – taking time to reflect on the past year’s goals while dreaming up ambitions to carry me into the new year. 

Some goals have a “bucket list” mentality – what are things I want to do in the new year that would help me feel like I am living life to its fullest? Last year, I had “participate in a real ballroom competition” on this list, and I got to check it off this past October! Other goals may look like new habits I want to pick up, such as eating more vegetables or taking a daily multivitamin.

What can you dream for 2024? Do you want to give up smoking? Be able to run a mile without stopping? Start a vegetable garden? Correct your insomnia? Improve a strained relationship? Cut stress by finding a new job? 

As you join with friends and family this holiday season, start conversations with others about your new goals and see if anyone expresses similar interests. This person may be a great accountability partner for you through the year.  Accountability is proven to help people be more reliable, honest, productive, and to gain self-control as he/she knows that they have to account for their actions.

Tips for success with an accountability partner:

Weekly check-ins: 

This can be as simple as a regularly scheduled phone call, emailed update, or a texted video recording with an update on your progress. A check-in doesn’t have to be lengthy, but it should happen routinely to help keep you motivated and bring your goals to the front of your mind.

Running pace: 

Similar to finding your pacesetter in a race, find an accountability partner who wants to move at a speed similar to you so that you will inspire and motivate each other and feel an equal amount of success and celebration throughout the year. 

Revisit goals every couple of months:

Keep it interesting! As seasons change or you become consistent with new habits, you can modify your goals. They are a moving target. If you aren’t making progress on a goal, consider why. Is your desire less than you initially thought? Or does the goal need to be modified to make it simpler or more measurable.


One final thought: there is no need to wait for the new year! If you are ready to kick start some health-related goals now and would like our help, please schedule an appointment with your provider at LBMD & Associates. We are one of your biggest cheerleaders and would love to journey alongside you!




How to Maintain a Happy, Healthy Holiday Season