Stressed About Back-to-School Season? LBMD Can Help!

Adolescents and young adults deal with a lot of daily stressors, more so now than ever before. Today, they must learn to balance increased demands of their time, higher stimulation, and skyrocketing stress levels.

This stress on their mind and body can evolve into sleep disorders, mood disorders, and various physical complaints, including abdominal pain and headaches. While we could point fingers all day long at the causes of these environmental shifts, what's most important is knowing how to manage them.

As we head back into school and college this fall, we have some simple tips for students on being intentional with good habits to allow their minds and bodies to be well.

Your bed is for sleep and sleep alone. 

Your subconscious is a strong driving force. This part of your brain thinks based on patterns that you have allowed. One very important unhealthy association your subconscious can build involves your bed and sleep. When in bed, avoid studying, watching television, reading books, or scanning your phone. We know, we know – easier said than done! Our tip? Make a comfortable seating place in your room or apartment where you can do these activities, allowing your brain to think that the only option in bed is to quiet the mind and sleep.

Make appointments for self-care. 

I have heard the burden of the teen schedule many times. Your weekly planner is full. You have sports practice, work schedules, family commitments, and more. But have you placed any blocks in your calendar for you? 

It won't come easier later in life if you don't prioritize your needs now. NOW is the time to develop strong patterns – your brain will thank you! Step one? Find places in your calendar to block time for your favorite activities. This could look like sitting at a park to enjoy a cup of coffee and a podcast, meeting a friend for a morning run, or dedicating 10 minutes of quiet meditation with the HeadSpace app instead of scrolling on social media.

Only you know what brings you joy and relaxation, and only you will be the one to demand that you are worth every minute of that time.

Fuel your body. 

You may feel like you can make it through the day on caffeine and granola bars, but the lack of nutrition will affect your mood and performance. Finding convenient ways to support good habits will help the habit stick long-term. 

For example, using a meal replacement shake for breakfast is a fast & easy way to fuel up on protein and carbohydrates. Some popular shakes include Muscle Milk, Evolve, and Premier Protein. If you need a nutrient-dense snack between school, sports, and work, keep your backpack stocked with dried fruits, beef jerky, protein bars, nut mixes, and low-sugar bars such as Lara or Cliff bars. These on-the-go foods do not require refrigeration and can support your macronutrient needs!

In these formative years, your body is learning patterns of good health. With a little planning and a lot of intention, you can build the framework to reduce the impact of stress on your well-being.

If you're a college student and desire a consistent and accessible provider for your health care needs this school year, LBMD & Associates offers a Direct Primary Care membership that allows you affordable access for in-person visits in Holland or Telehealth visits while away. 

Learn more about our Direct Primary Care practice here or call 616-345-5263 for special pricing information for a year of care.


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